Monday 17 August 2015

Penelope Crumb is mad at the moon

Image result for penelope crumb is mad at the moon shawn stout

Penelope Crumb is not having a very good week. First she accidentally comes to school dressed as an elephant (dress like an animal day is next week), and then in gym class she’s forced to square dance. With a boy who is known as Lippy Gordon because of how sweaty his lip is. All the time. Penelope is mortified. And then is extra mortified when she discovers that Lippy doesn’t want to dance with her either!

When Grandpa tells Penelope that he sings to the moon when he’s having trouble, Penelope grabs onto this plan. But sometimes you need more than the moon to fix things.

1 comment:

  1. This book is perfect for girls who can't find anything interesting in the library to read. I would recommend this book for 8 years and +.
    Have Fun Reading!
